Thursday, August 23, 2012

Errands, chores, just growing up

Been sleeping at 7am in the morning lately. Due to the awesome unpredictable inspiration that strikes during midnight, I've been experimenting with painting techniques while watching the Game of Thrones continously (5 more epis' to finish season 2). Now, I don't really know if it's the series or the painting that is the main reason of distracting my sleeping clock.

It's a good thing that my creative side is improving gradually, but at the same time, as I curl up here in my room every night, it's a constant battle in mind that's screaming to get a life. Perhaps, get a job, check everything on the to-do-list or the most important yet, going out to socialize. People always say do things that pleases you and you alone. I'm just so afraid.

because being in solitude is what pleases me.

Whatevah. Well, today was a day. There was 400 over people awaiting for passport pickup and 43 people for mobile repairement at the samsung headquarters. My S2 decided to give me trouble once again. In between of going back and forth these two venues, my family and I finally step foot into Paradigm Mall. Finallyy. Bottom line, it's been tiring and irksome. Head was literally spinning. So no thank you, I would not like to view my final semester result just yet.

Facts of running errands 
  1. It may be just one or two task, but it WILL somehow take up the whole entire day.
  2. You'll go back feeling time has wasted that you had spend so much time to accomplish that one or two task.
  3. It is better to go alone when one thing less to worry is having to drag others with you.

So, because my phone is not working at the moment, I would be going back to get it fix early in the morning. Needless to say, I should be in bed right now.

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